Danzation was first held in 2006, with the purpose of providing a platform for dancers in NRA Dance Club to showcase their talent and love for dance to everyone.
This year, NRA has decided to take it one step further, by having a unique collaboration between dance clubs that has never been done before. Together with 9 distinguished dance crews from other schools all over Singapore, NRA Dance Club aims to bring you yet another dance extravaganza not to be missed.
Under the guidance of Principal Choreographer, Ann Tan, NRA's alumni and senior choreographers will come together in showcasing their different dance styles.
Despite the differences in culture between the various schools and dance clubs, we believe that all dancers still share one thing in common - the passion for dance. And with that, Danzation 2008 will be the biggest dance production that you have been waiting for.
Date: 19th & 20th December 2008
Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Venue: Convention Hall (NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC)
Ticket Price: $15
How to order Please kindly email your tickets at danzation.nra@gmail.com In this format...
Subject: Danzation Ticket
[Full Name] [Contact number] [i/c number]
[The day of concert] [Number of ticket]
Please note that you are limited to make changes in your orders for maximum of 2 times.
Any more than that will NOT be entertained.
We will notify you the payment date in advance on this blog, please kindly check. The venue for the payment will be situated in our school campus (NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hello =]]
there will be a Danzation booth set up in NP. Beside the busstop, next to cheers
1,3,5 december after 3p.m.-4p.m. onwards till 6p.m.
it'll be our final sales of tickets. this is your last chance to grab tickets of day1 from us
hope to see you there =]]
choreographed at 7:32 AM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thank you for all the support =DD Unfortunately, online sales will be closing in 9 hours time. No more orders to be made after 10am, Sunday(30th Nov) Those intertested may come to our school to buy the tickets directly from us
we'll post up more details tml evening.
- Ticketing team
choreographed at 9:24 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
HELLO PEOPLE! Sorry for the delay. We now hereby confirm the dates of meeting for payment and collection of tickets. =D
Dates are resume as stated before.
Payment and Collection Of Tickets:
Date: 24th Nov (Monday), 26th Nov(Wednesday), 28th Nov(Friday) Venue: Ngee Ann Poly Cheers Time: Monday - 2pm to 6pm Wednesday and Friday - 4pm to 6pm
Ticket Price : $15 *Important*
Do Remember To Bring Along Any Identification Card (Any Card that would identify you to us E.g Ezlink Card, Student Card, etc)
Please be reminded that we will not accept any separate payment of tickets meaning for example i pay half on Monday then i come again on Wednesday to pay another half. Sorry that will not be accepted.
Those who cannot make it on these three days to make the payment and collection of tickets please email us as soon as possible.
19th Dec Friday tickets sales will be extended till the end of November (30th Nov).
Those who ordered please check your email to double confirm your order. The ticket team will be sending you the number of tickets you all have ordered. We hope there will be no more changes. Thank you for the cooperation.
choreographed at 7:30 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dear peeps, sorry for the inconvenient caused, the payment date for the tickets for next week might be delayed due to some error. We will update a confirmed date on the blog soon(most probably by the end of next week). We sincerely apologise for the trouble. Thank you for the understanding.
-message by ticketing team.
choreographed at 7:16 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The dateline for the ordering of tickets will be extended until 18th November. Pls do take note yup. Those who are taking orders for your friends, start collecting the payment from them yup. Greatly appreciate that.
We will update you soon on the payment of tickets.
choreographed at 1:50 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hi people,
just to keep you guys informed, the payment of tickets will start from 17th November (Monday) to 3rd December (Wednesday). Below are the following details to take note at the moment.
Payment date: 17-11-2008 to 03-12-2008
Take note: The ticketing team will only meet you only certain days of the week to collect the payment. The time and day will be posted up soon. So do check yup.
Venue: Cheers (Behind Ngee Ann Polytechnic Bus Stop)
Please take note of the quantity of tickets ordered as full payment has to be made accordingly. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Any further enquiries, feel free to drop us an email at danzation.nra@gmail.com
We look forward to see you!!!
choreographed at 4:56 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
DETAILS FOR TICKETING: 1. Payment of ticket is excusable for toddlers aged below 3. (Assuming that the toddler and adult takes up one seat) 2. There is no limit in the number of tickets booked per person. 3. Each ticket cost $15 4. Free Seating
IMPORTANT DETAILS 1. No ordering of tickets will be made AFTER 13th November 2008 2. No tickets will be given out if FULL payment is not made. 3. No reservation of ticket. 4. No Door Sales.
Lastly, pls be sure of your orders because once the confirmed list of order is up, there won't be any changes to it. FULL PAYMENT must be made according to your orders.
I sincerely seek for your kind cooperation. Thk You!=)
Further details will be posted up so stay tuned. -from your beloved ticketing team